Add, Remove, and adjust disks and file systems in AIX 6.1

You can use the built in tool called SMITTY to resize files systems in AIX.  Supply SMITTY with the FS argument to work with the file systems.  See instructions below for a walk through of adjusting /opt

Launch Smitty by typing:  smitty fs

Arrow down to the third option "Add / Change / Show / Delete File Systems" and press enter.


Select "Enhanced Journaled File System" and press enter.

Arrow down to the third option labled "Change / Show Characteristics of an Enhanced Journaled File System" and press enter.

This will bring up a selection box of the available partitions and file systems that can be edited. Use the arrow keys to select the one you want to modify, and press enter.

Now you will see all available options for editing.  To adjust the size of the file system, arrow down to the line labeled "Number of Units"
In this example, I have adjusted the file system to 12582912 units  which is equivalent to 6 GB.
Once you have entered the desired size, press the enter key to accept.

Give the system a few seconds to adjust the size, and if successful you will see a message similar to the one below.

Once you see this confirmation, press the F10 to exit smitty.


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